TakeOff Starter Service Calling Rates
When signup with YourCloudTelco start using the service straight away with our TakeOff Starter Rates. Speak with our Sales Director to unlock the potential of becoming a fully fledged YourCloudTelco service provider and receive exceptional wholesale rates.
TakeOff Calling Rates
Signup to YourCloudTelco and receive these TakeOff rates to get you started.
Options & Extras
Offer additional DIDs, Toll Free, vFax and more to your customers' accounts.
Upgrade & Unlock
Upgrade from the TakeOff Starter Service to receive generous wholesale discounts and competitive rates.
Calling Rates
- Local and National: 3 cents/minute
- Calls to Mobile: 11 cents/minute
- 13/1300 Calls: 35 cents flagfall
- International: As per rate card
Options & Extras
- DID: $1/month
- Channels: $15/month × 5
- NZ, US, UK DID: $5/month
- 1300/1800 number: $24.40/month plus call collection charges
Special Number | Price per month |
Per min | Per min Mobile | Set Up |
13/1300 Number | $22.02 | $0.040 | $79.00 | |
Toll Free Number | $22.02 | $0.077 | $79.00 | |
NZ Toll Free | $6.00 | $0.05 | $0.21 | $79 |
USA Toll Free | $6.00 | $0.05 | $0.05 | $79 |
NZ/US/UK/Can Number | $5.00 | per plan | per plan | $79 |
Number Porting Charges
Porting Charges
When you submit a port request form the following charges are applicable per submission.
Cat-A (simple) one number | $24.40 per submission |
Cat-C (complex)Port 1-5 numbers | $161.70 per port |
Cat-C (complex) Port 6-20 numbers | $242.00 per port |
Cat-C (complex) Port 21-100 numbers | $407.00 per port |
Cat-C (complex) Port 101-200 numbers | $550.00 per port |
Cat-C (complex) Port more than 200 numbers | $1,244.10 per port |
Special Service Number Port a 1300 or 1800 number | $80.00 per submission |
Rejection Charges
When a port is rejected, a charge is applicable as follows.
Cat-A (simple) one number | $0.00 |
Cat-C (complex) PNV Initial Reject | $50.00 per rejection |
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 1-5 numbers | $75.00 per rejection |
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 6-20 numbers | $89.00 per rejection |
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 21-100 numbers | $127.00 per rejection |
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 101-200 numbers | $198.00 per rejection |
Cat-C (complex) Reject charge | $29.00 per number |
Special Service Number Reject 1300 or 1800 number | $60.00 per number |
Porting Reversals and Emergency Returns
Port Reversals and Emergency Returns can only be requested within a period of four hours from the time the port is completed, and please note that Port Returns and Emergency Returns may not always be available.
Cat-A (simple) port reversal | $250.00 per number |
Cat-C (complex) 1-5 numbers emergency return | $495.00 per return |
Cat-C (complex) 6-20 numbers emergency return | $1,250.00 per return |
Cat-C (complex) 21-100 numbers emergency return | $2,750.00 per return |
Cat-C (complex) 101-200 numbers emergency return | $4,125.00 per return |
Third Party (in addition to the above charges)
Third-Party Cat-C (complex) port | $1,320.00 per number, plus normal porting fee |
Third-Party Cat-C (complex) port emergency return | $29.00 per number, plus normal porting fee |